It's alright, momma! ( 媽咪我沒事! )


イベント時間 /

2016/05/07(土) 20:00(+0800)

イベント場所 /

TADA方舟(台中創意文化園區) (台中市南區復興路三段362號)

イベントチケット /

  • 預售單人票

    (2016/04/18 12:00(+0800) ~ 2016/05/07 20:00(+0800))
    TWD$350 販売終了

Dante's Jacuzzi是一個專注在開心玩音樂的樂團,同時也是個很關心生活環境與社會議題的樂團,我們試著傳播和平與正面想法,或許可以在裡面找到一些讓生活過得更開心的點子;從爵士樂到近代R&B或Funk或者英式民謠,都可以在他們的作曲裡面聽到這些元素。多年的演出累積經驗與成熟的演出風格相信會讓您喜歡他們的音樂。


Dante's Jacuzzi, started by Aussie musician Roger Smith, is a band that's big on having fun as well as one that is concerned with the environment we live in and social issues of today.
They share their thoughts through their music and try to spread as much peace and positivity as they can and in doing so perhaps discover ideas to make everyone's lives that much more cheerful.
Elements of Jazz, R&B, Funk, and even British Folk can all be heard in their all original music. Both Roger and Suyeh were also part of the jazz band 'Round Midnight' that played all over western Taiwan.
With decades of combined performance experience and solid playing styles, you are definitely going to dig their music.


Three Day Bender
Formed in 2007, Three Day Bender has been delivering honest to goodness Original Blues Rock music to Discerning 
Music Lovers for close to a Decade.
Comprised of steadfast Taiwanese music scene seasoned veterans,Chris Bailey,
Catharine Brown and Hanro Van Wyk these guys are bound to get ya rocking and rolling!


演出日期:2016/5/7 (六) 



場  地:TADA方舟(台中創意文化園區)

地  址:台中市南區復興路三段362號


票  價:預售單人$350元 / 現場單人$400元


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